
10 Sustainable Furniture Brands Redefining Home Decor

When purchasing eco-friendly home decor, it is essential that materials used in their production be nontoxic and eco-friendly. Consider opting for organically grown vegetable fibers, sustainably harvested wood and recycled metal to reduce your environmental footprint. Many sustainable furniture brands place an emphasis on transparency and accountability, providing information to their consumers regarding their product’s […]


Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Home Appliances

Home appliances are essential parts of our daily lives, and they represent sizable investments. However, they have predefined lifespans and will eventually require repair or replacement. Fortunately, you can extend the lifespan of your appliances with regular cleaning and professional maintenance. This will help you save money on utility bills and reduce downtime. Keep Your […]

Furniture Home Design Home Improvement

Sustainable Home Design – Eco-Friendly Ideas

Sustainable homes reduce energy use through multiple strategies. This may include using materials which are recycled or easily renewable such as bamboo and organic cotton for furniture and fabrics. Subterranean homes, also known as earth sheltered houses, are another eco-friendly housing trend. Constructed into hillside terrain, only their front door and windows remain visible from […]


Can You Paint Kitchen Cabinets?

Can you paint kitchen cabinets? The answer to that question depends on your needs and budget. If you are painting cabinets yourself, the best way to ensure a professional result is to consult a paint professional. Painting professionals can apply primer to your cabinets. Primer is usually light in color and will cover any imperfections […]