Carpenter Bees: Buzzing, Wood-damaging Pests If you are fortunate enough to live in an area where Carpenter Bee larvae are not in high numbers, then this type of bee is pretty rare. They are small, often brownish and hairless. And when you aren’t careful, they can build a home in the wood of your home.
When you think about bees, you probably imagine fuzzy, black and yellow bumblebees crawling about on your wood. This is one of the reasons why Carpenter Bee larvae are so bothersome to homeowners. These insects are called carpenter bees because they build their nests are built in the wood of your house. And as any experienced homeowner will tell you, wood is the most valuable commodity in your house because it will protect you, your house and everything inside it from harmful insects and animals.
Carpenter Bees – Why They Can Be A Problem for Your Home If you have a Carpenter Bee problem, it’s not always just the bees that are at fault. In some cases, your wood may have been compromised by molds, bacteria and fungi. These organisms love moist environments, and Carpenter Bees loves them. These creatures also love a host of different foods. And since the place where you want to put a fence around your garden or your house is where they have their nest, molds and other things that may be on your wooden surface are likely to find their way into the building and eventually to your wood. And with molds on wood, there is no telling what the bees could do to the wood if they decide to take over the building. Carpenter Bee larvae have been known to eat wood.
Wood Damage From Carpenter Bees – Why You Should Care About Carpenter Bee Bites Carpenter bees are among the most aggressive kinds of honeybees, and they tend to swarm at night. When it comes to the damage that they can cause, there are two ways to tell if you have a problem. If you see colonies of carpenter bees making their homes in your roof, walls or in the eaves of your house, or eaves, these bees probably have a colony with other carpenter bees. somewhere else on your property.
When it comes to protecting your home from Carpenter Bee larvae, you need to pay special attention to your home improvement projects. Homeowners often believe that putting a fence around the foundation of their house will keep them out, but this is not true. Many people who put up fences or gates are actually causing the bees to go out of their homes, since the bees have to go through them to get into your house. The good news is that you don’t have to leave your property’s perimeter unprotected, since there are several ways to stop Carpenter Bee infestation.
You can use a bee net around the base of your foundation to stop Carpenter Bees from gaining access to your house. However, you may have to spend quite a bit of money to get this done, and it does not guarantee that you won’t have to pay the same amount of money again to get another bee net installed in the near future. Also, you will need to do something about the perimeter of your house because these bees are adept swimmer hunters.